it comes from courtro sketch artist wilam hennessy. hi new book is called "all rise".t focuses on events he's covered, for the newsho and other oadcasters, over his 27- year career. >> i decided torite this book for a number of reans, but one of them is also because put a lot into mwork. here's a lot more to it, a a three-secd airing in an evening news pieceoesn't always do justice. i underand my role very well. eally, my clients would hava camera in there-- in their minds. i don't necessarily aee, but i donderstand what they want from me, so i providthem with the vuals they need to tell the whole story. and not just the visua that you expect, t i try to delve eper. i look fothe details. i look for mething that'll give it more. find myself as much a journalist, in that regard, looking r that special angle on the visual that will help them that muchore. you get the proper vaage point and capture the crital characters-- obviously the defendant, the lawye involved, and thjudge and their interactons, and the critical moent you start another sketch and its kind of dictatedy