coby inn and grazing restaurant which is in the only henniker on earth, henniker, new hampshire. it's about to lose 65% of its revenues this year. the revenue from their highen end restaurant -- high end restaurant isn't even covering payroll or food costs. they've had 95% of their events canceled this year. bruce, the owner, if they lose their business, they not only lose their business, they lose their home. if they don't get a second round, if they can't apply for that second round, they may not still be here. so i'm really pleased we've gotten this extension tonight. that's progress. but we need a second round. there's $130 billion left in the paycheck protection program. we need to help those small businesses that need additional assistance. and i'm pleased that we're working in a bipartisan fashion to try and get a bill. we've got a bill that senators cardin, coons, and i introduced. now we're working with senator rubio, chairman of the committee, senator collins who was part of that four-person negotiating team, and i'm hopeful and cautiously optimistic that if we work tog