through his civil war service, holmes' closest friend in the army was no longer hollowell, but henry abbott. abbott's ideological convictions were 180 degrees contrary to those of hallowell and, initially, to those of holmes. abbott was a democrat. almost a copperhead who was contemptuous to abolitionists, blacks, republicans, and abraham lincoln. yet, holmes struck up a friendship with him that turned into admiration for his extraordinary courage and cool professionalism under fire. abbott was a superb soldier, the best one in an outstanding regiment whose death profoundly affected holmes. the example of abbott convinced holmes nobility of character consists of doing one job with consistent to end. or to return to his own words -- the highest value is that which leaves a soldier to throw away his life in obedience to blindly accepted duty. it is beyond my competence to evaluate his traditional philosophy or to trace any direct relationship with his civil war experience and his decisions as a justice on the massachusetts and then the united states supreme court. i think i can see a connecti