my name is henry bartly with dparmt of technology, the project manager for dbi imp lmation for [inaudible] going over the 1 page update you should have in hand. in termoffs configuration, these are the punch list items which are 23 in total. there are 4 completed, 3 in uat, 16 in development, so these are on track per the work plan and those are going to be continuing to be developed and turned over for testing throughout this month and next month. we do have 2 that are going to continue past august which was according to plan and that is why we have 2 rounds of end to end simulation. the punch list items are moving along as expected. on the reporting front, we have got a large effort to get the reports from [inaudible] to get the qa prior to the first run of simulation whiching up on august 10. that is going to be a lot of activity among the dbi and project team over the next few weeks to get those qaed and closed out. the dbimis treme has a report that they are developing and in those there are 8 that are accepted and 42 in progress and the 2 remainder are waiting for development resour