indeed, henry chadwick is the person who started making baseball america's game. this is before the civil war. from the late 1840's, this british-born newspaperman, who loved to play and watch the game, convinced the "new york times" to publish accounts of popular amateur baseball clubs. he was also the editor of another influential paper called the "brooklyn eagle." and chadwick served as the countries in fact first official baseball editor, and from that position, he began a campaign to sing the sport's praises. here is what chadwick believed. he thought baseball was better equipped for the fast-paced american life that was emerging. i'm going to quote him and don't doubt me that he said this. "americans do not care to dawdle over a sleep inspiring game," and here he was referring to soccer. "what they do, they want to do in a hurry. in baseball, all as lightning. every action is a swift as a seabird's flight," end of quote. chadwick, like other leaders in other sports, walter camp and so forth, headed a drive for improved rules, better playing, and the keeping