i remember henry cisneros was secretary of hud at time. me went to the meeting with the first 20 agencies and offered them a suggestion. he said if huit to do over again would you dot same thing? we would use develop and private property managers and over see their work that is part of the transformation that you are in now. and unfortunately tonya mentioned, things that have become troublesome you guys weathered that storm of now it is time to finish off the transformation. so the transformation dave and i had i were here for two weeks and it will need partnership between the housing authority, developers and the city. so, one of the things we will help tonya with and the board to talk about how to distribute the new resource in ways that strengthen the over sight section 8 program. right? because what was here 20 years ago, public housing is now project based section 8. mechanisms for rung the two programs are different. it will require transformation of the administrative aspects how the housing authority does its job temperature is not