time, from the time he first admired henry clay and his policies, part of the voluntarya was colonization of africa. time,k, for a long lincoln believed that whites would never allow blacks to be part of the expanded society. whether he was worried about the emancipation proclamation and wanted to couch it in terms that whitenot send alarms to a citizenry, that is open to question. lincoln believed in colonization. when african americans took up and for the union and the restoration of the union, there lexiconr a hint in his that people in the union should states.n the united it is a huge issue that should not be shunted aside. onmy second point is, college campuses, like princeton, taking wilson's name off, where does this end? does this concern you as a historian? historythe rewriting of concerns me. izing ofmental bad people also concerns me. certain people have been on a pedestal for generations and it is open for question and re-examination. when i first visited with my wife in st. petersburg, we did not expect any vestiges of the czars. we thought they had all been swept away. it wa