who was made a major general at the age of 33, having no experience at all, and the second was henry foxx, who also had no military experience at all. but both of them had been reading books. what they knew about the military was entirely from books. but that was an era that believed one of the best ways to read things was to read books. they are in a way wonderful examples, personifications of the enlightingment. his daring, both physically and intell electricity actually is remarkable. he and greene were the only two officer who became generals who stayed with the war, stayed with washington, through the entire war. not with him necessarily physically, personally, right with him, but with him in the sense of still fighting the war. all the others either dropped out or had to leave for some other reason. but those two that he picked right at the beginning, who he admired for their persevereance, per seefered to the end. so it's an amazing story. but knox had the idea of going to ticonderoga and bringing back the cannons, which is a prepost rouse thought. to hold those -- haul those guns