first the jealousy of henry halleck, then don carlos buell, john mcclendon is the worst of all. there is also stephen hurlbut, nathaniel banks and grant's one-time friend william rosecrans. almost alleir allies of them allied themselves with newspaperman. communications and information and the creation of impressions versus the actual expression of fact. it is nothing new. as ralph told you in his talk. it is very evident there. these men constantly fed stories to her grant, by the charges of drunkenness. i will deal with that later on. lee never has to contend with that. he has no one working against him behind his lines except possibly long street, was more interested in getting an independent command of his own that he was in undercutting lee. directly,eport face-to-face, with jefferson davis. grant, through his career will report first to john c fremont, and henry halleck, briefly to georgia:, and then to -- briefly to george mcclellan, then hallec k again. talk about a losing hand. that is four deuces. grant starts the war in which virtually every division commander in 1862