language liaison henry hocht came out to a community domestic violence meeting. he came, handed out his phone number, everybody got to meet the liaison an officer chan will help us do that as well. it helps when officers can tell clients that they know the language liaison officer for sfpd and he can help them to get where they need to be in a they have an issue they can bring it to the table. it is tremendous. the hour is late. this work could not be done without -- and the team from occ, and the leadership of sfpd to meet with us on almost monthly basis where many of these issues are spelled out every day. it is a pleasure and an honor and a vital goal for all of us. we have to do this. we are doing it. thank you. >> we will call our last item on the agenda, report from the chief, and captain flaherty from the special victims unit, san francisco police department. >> i know that the hour is late. i'm greg suhr, chief of police for san francisco. it is important what commissioner marshall spoke to earlier, and echo about the tragedy in kansas city. we are talkin