roa's convention body will also convene. 90 years ago on october the 2nd, 1922, brigadier general henry j. riley founding fathers established this great association. it is now both my privilege and honor to preside over our 86th national convention. now is our first item of business, the roa minuteman hall of fame welcomes another inductee. a great citizen patriot who has conspicuously contributed to the advancement of our roa programs and objectives. it is an exceptional honor for me to introduce our first speaker and induct this year's newest addition to the minuteman hall of fame. our speaker has been referred to as the premiere military man of our age. he has distinguished himself with his leadership, valor, creativity and diplomacy. in the area of scholarship, his masters and doctorate degrees from the woodrow wilson school of public and international affairs at princeton university and his leadership of the combined arms center where he led the development of our current counterinsurgency manual reflect the marvelous intelligence and insight he brings to bear on any issue. his integrity is