in a 1970, a woman with a fictional name of jane roe filed a lawsuit against henry wade, the district attorney of dallas county, texas, over the anti abortion law in that county. before row, abortion was, as i mentioned at the start of class, was widely illegal unless you could have a panel of doctors, essentially write you a note or prove an abortion in cases that were needed to save the life of the women so that does not mean of course that women do not have abortions, women with access to doctors had abortions with hooks, others want to underground providers because they were so desperate which of course can be incredibly dangerous. part of the protest surrounding reproductive access focused on basically saying that look, abortions are going to happen anyway, it's better if they occur above ground as opposed to underground. we know throughout the course of american history that women are going to have abortions, it's just going to happen whether or not there is an open market. if they were legal perhaps they would be safer, that is one of the arguments that activists are making. in