henry maltby, he was the second brother, second son of david maltby from ohio, and he he originally came to texas. he wanted to establish the newspaper "the ranchero," so that was when the younger brother, william came down here. and referring to the older brother, jasper maltby he has no linkage whatsoever with texas. jasper maltby also from the north, wound up in, of all places galena, illinois. and he had served in the mexican war, and he became a gunsmith in galena. later, he becomes one of the nine galena generals who served the union during the civil war. so it's quite a remarkable family. their relationship was very, very close, even with the war and the divisions and the fact that we have one brother, jasper faithfully serving as far as the initially a colonel in the 45th illinois regiment and then having the two brothers down here in texas firmly committed to the southern cause secession and then, of course, the civil war. jasper edelman maltby was a true hero. we have letters from generals grant, logan and other union generals expressing their great esteem and respect for this