it's henry mancini's birthday. what--? what was that about henry mancini? well, he wrote the song "moon river." moon river-- yeah. i know. wider than a mile-- ma, i know the song. i know the song. what was that about his birthday, though? well, 12 years ago, when that song first came out, it was summer, and very hot, and archie came home one day and he said, "edith, i'm taking you on the town tonight. "we're going to the radio city music hall "and then to schraft's for a banana split. we're shootin' the works." ma, wait! ma, wait a second. let me get this straight. 12 years ago, you went to radio city music hall and then you had a banana split. what does that have to--? archie was in such a good mood that night. and the stage show at the music hall! the rockettes were all dressed up like poor little street kids, except they had high heels. yeah. uh, ma-- ma! wait a second. i'm still waiting for henry mancini. well, that was the picture at the music hall, breakfast at tiffany's, and the song in the picture was "moon river." oh. both: by henry mancini. and th