it is a telegram from henry morgenthau who is the ambassador to turkey and he's writing to dr.ary grayson asking if the president has any objections to a citizens' meeting to protest against turks being left in control of constantinople. and morgenthau has been asked to speak at this meeting and so he's asking basically permission. he doesn't want to embarrass the president so he's asking for advice. and on the -- at the bottom of this telegram, there is a handwriting that is edith's handwriting. we're familiar enough with edith's handwriting to recognize it as such. and at the bottom she writes -- "thinks it well to postpone speaking on such subjects." what we don't know is did edith take this telegram into wilson, ask his opinion, and then write that or did she just come to that conclusion herself. the public was very interested and curious to know the condition of wilson's health. and so, you know, rumors were rampant in the papers even congressmen didn't know what was going on. they only knew what they read in the papers. after it was all over, cary grayson later wrote up a