. -- henry olson. it is almost like you are all doctors and you were talking about sick patients. i like to ask you to be a little more clinical. why is the patient sick? why is conservatism not acceptable among wide breaths of people? is it because of things we fail to do over the last few years? is it largely due to long-term changes in public opinion or demographics with which we are currently out of touch? or is it a mixture? >> i think there is a real combination of those sorts of factors. to begin with, there's an element of paying the price for our success. if you had asked a conservative and early 1980's with the major issues were on the table, he would have heard about crime and welfare and taxes. if you asked somebody today, it is likely none of those issues would be the top of their list. the reason of that are conservative successes, successful reforms from a conservative roomette -- from a conservative movement that change the welfare system dramatically, that changed law enforcement dramatically. the kinds of things about which conservatives were very creative a gene