leave fresno when it is 112 and come to visit san francisco to visit the chocolate factory, we have henry perea and others from the economic development commission. it is about tying our great state together, and that is what we would do with high-speed rail. for me, watching this process has been an education in leadership. it does not take anything to be a leader when the decisions are easy. believe me. it takes courage and grit when the decisions are hard. our governor, when he came into office, was faced with everyone telling him, this is your opportunity to take the off ramp. do not do high-speed rail. you can walk away. that would have been the easy, expedient, a political thing to do. we are here today because gov. jerry brown did not take the easy path. he took the path of investing in our future. you, gov.. >> many times, people say to me -- gee, how are you going to build this? i said, let's look at the lineup. they've got their dream? -- they've got their dream. we start with the president of the united states, the vice president of the united states, the secretary of transportation,