and signed by henry prene, the president of the california heritage council and in that spirit we want to recognize the 100th anniversary of this chamber, and i would like to point out that we should mention arthor brown junior, the architect of city hall who especially put a special effort into signing this chamber, and he is one of our great architects of san francisco history. and he went on to design the clay tower, the and the tower of the sun in treasure island and many, many other buildings until the 1950s. and this was the reason why we issued this certificate, of recognition in 1972 was that it really, the city hall was not really very much appreciated at that time, or any other building, of this sort. it was out of our architectal style, and the style being the federal building on golden gate, avenue, for instance, was the style of the 60s. and har ald says that it was a neglected master piece, riding above the clutter. and in any case, it is now both as far as interior and exterior concerned, is now fully recognized for what it is, a beautiful and outstanding structure. than