on december 4, 1942, the school received notice from henry stimson, the secretary of war, that the school was being taken over. condemnation proceedings were used and it was decreed that all records of the acquisition be sealed from public view. almost 54,000 acres were required. almost 9000 acres were public land. the cost of acquisition was $440,000. >> after pearl harbor, we all knew that we were kind of playing an endgame. we would get out of school and we were off to war. and so in the beginning of the '42, there was already surveyors around here from the government, and then they took it over. they brought around mega bulldozers. actually fantastic construction in a very short. period of time. >> construction crews started throwing up buildings for administration, laboratories, housing, schools, and everything else the community needed to function. it looked more like a boom town that a war camp. all of this was around the ranch school. >> so all of this just before christmas, these two dudes show here, the -- show up first one in a porkpie hat and the second one in a fedora. it too