two american families who six decades ago gave our nation one of their own, private first class henry svalafice when they were just 19 and 21 years old. age did not weary them. in the hearts of their families they remain forever young. loving sons, protective brothers, hometown kids who stood tall in america's hometown. >> you heard the president say this is a good day for america in his remarks at the top of this ceremony which, again, is designed to give the medal of honor to two veterans who sadly did not come home to receive the medal, both of them lost on the field of battle in korea. and in both cases it has taken people to fight to have the investigation completed resulting in this ceremony today. general barry mccaffrey is with us, decorated combat veteran and, general, i'm sitting here looking at the recipients of the medal of honor in the front row. what will the american public take away when we learn all the details there are to learn about this special forces raid that resulted in the death of bin laden, do you think? >> well, brian, among other things, it's a great reassurance