henry viii, the virgin queen, shakespeare, costuming, architecture and music. grew up with the belief that the sun never set on the british empire. i collected stamps from all over the british empire. americans knew back then that george washington, john adams, benjamin frank and, nearly all the founding fathers were englishmen. alexander hamilton was scott. as they came so is later as with others from switzerland and all the countries, they came to the melting pot of america over the past 400 years. since the founding of jamestown. my parents took me to the world's fair in 1940. just seven years old. to see many of the country's exhibitions. among them for the first time i saw the magna carta at the british exhibition. the 1215 lincoln cathedral magna carta. on my first visit to britain as a serving officer in 1957, i was returning to america to be discharged after serving in korea. my two of duty had been completed. my first stay in london i went to the needs and to see two things. the magna carta and the rosetta stone. to me they represented the icons of a c