on the other side, henry ward beecher and gerrit smith. henry ward beecher was the billy graham of his era, probably the most famous churchman. he also ran guns to kansas, known as beecher's bibles. he was running guns to kansas during the antebellum. period and nowum , he is preaching and his pulpit, mercy for the rebels, forgiveness, and pardon. the other guy is gerrit smith. all garrett smith did was provide some of the funding for a guy named john brown. he is one of the financiers. it turns out -- and they are not alone there is a whole group of , them that argued for mercy -- many of the abolitionists supported efforts to improve society, including the battle to end capital punishment, which en than ituccessful tha is today. beecher's of the death penalty existed for only two reasons, to prisoner and the turn to crime. he said hanging never reforms anyone. and he said, take a step of moderation in the direction of humanity because it will be understood to the advantage of free governments all over the world. that example, that example