my predecessor henry waxman engage the epa and will continue to follow up with the epa.ost: how long has this been an issue for the local community? guest: it has been years. host: why is it still an issue? hesitant because of the epa? host: note is not because the epa. guest:host: we have one minute left before the house comes in. caller: i have a question. you're talking about isis. his isis bothering the major communist countries like russia and china? you never hear anything on the news about them having issues. it always just seems to be the last. my second question is -- in the state of california and out the west there, they have had major droughts. are they doing anything to build a plant that changes salt water into fresh water to maybe help alleviate things? host: we got those. guest: california has actually working with israel to build those plans in california. in terms of your first question isil has not just attacked one country. they will attack any country that is not their particular sect. there have executed japanese hostages. they recently burned a jor