>> yes, i saw henry winkler up there at the microphone doing his thing. looked like henry winkler.ht it was a happy days reboot. i thought this is a terrible time to bring back this show. also, side bar, if you're a police union and you vote for somebody to be the head of the police union, you probably shouldn't have them be named la- pat lynch. also where are the rest of the black people on this diverse police department? look at this photo? it looks like the 50-year union of a la crosse team >> trevor: yeah, roy, and another problem is the police unions are now basically showing people what a powerful force they are. they're standing up against the reforms, and they're so well organized that politicians are afraid of them. like the question i have for you, is there anything that can be done to weaken the influence they have? >> see, see, see, see, see, african, you're thinking about it wrong. here's the thing -- everybody's trying to make the police union weaker, when all you need to do is make a stronger union that's stronger than the police union. that's why i propose all black