heollah expected the gont to collapse. it didn't. so what did they do next?hey launched a massive siin starting in december 06. again, eecng the cabinet to resign it did not. they then blockedhe lebanese parliantrom et they blocked an eleio of a lebanese president, all expecting people to blink. they didn't. ultimately, in may 2008, to counter cabinet decisionst saw asthreatening, hezbollah had to do what hasan nasrallah had sworn they wld never do which is turn its arms against the nese people, the ver people they claimed to be defending. hezbollased force tsser a right to vetony govnment decision against its interests while refusing any public accountability or oversight of it's a sad reaty but there are real political costs. e lebanese people have not forgotten the 2006 war, n the events of 2008 in may. if you measure how hezllah and especially its allies ha faired in elections at all levels, you see erosions and litations. erosion particularly in the political strength of hezbollah's primary christian ally and limitatns to the attractiveness of zbollah's