i can't say that's exactly how it happened but certainly that's what herbert brownell said was the way it happened and mr. brownell was a key player at that time. >> i have something to add. the first two vice presidents that he selected with the idea that it would be future presidents -- the first two-do were hari truman in 1944 and there is an argument right now between roosevelt scholars and truman scholars over whether that was the case, but buysed on stories i heard growing up, that's pretty true in my mind. that truman was selected in 1944 with the idea that roosevelt would not survive his term. the second was richmond nixonin' 1952. there is a -- i have some personal insight into this. rich nixon in his memoir recounts how in 1951 he gave an address in the waldorf astore ya in the presence of governor thomas dewey, and dewey said to me maersk me a promise, senator, don't get overweight, stay in shape, some day you will be president. i believe that governor dewey was the one who was behind brownell and clay, and the idea was that nixon would be the political arm of the eisenhower