herbert fuehr is a retired journalist who conducted research into the neo-nazi scene for the local newspaper. he believes that extremist leaders knew the terrorists and appeared with them in public before the latter went underground. once the police identified the three suspected perpetrators, uwe bohnhardt, beate zschape, and uwe mundlos in 2011, the nsu claimed responsibility in a cynical video, sent by mail, except for one copy that arrived at herbert fuehr's newspaper. herbert: it couldn't have got here by mail, because there was no stamp. reporter: meaning...? herbert: i think the dvd was left in our mailbox by someone from the nuremberg scene. reporter: one of the many active supporters who have still not been identified. abdulkerim simsek and his family's lawyer are in no doubt. seda: i call on the authorities to continue their investigations after the trial of the fife -- the five defendants, and look at the nsu's network. we assume that there must have been more supporters and accessories, and we know nothing about these people. the trio were not some isolated little group. reporter