my name is herbert israel avaron. i am representing the clergy for justice and the restaurant workers union. even when you have budget meetings, i say that what we do with the resources of the city is a moral issue. it tells us where we allocate the resources we have. that is one reason why we support this. speaking on behalf of progress of religious leaders in our city that go to our mosques are churches, i feel like they cannot go if they do not have these passes. it is in our interest to have this pass. more than that, it is a moral issue. i take the muni every time. on weekends, you go to nice places in the city, but you do not see low-income families because they do not have the money to take their children to see our beautiful parts of this city. i think that should not happen. i am happy that there are a lot of young people here today. it is also teaching them to pay it forward in the future, teaching them a lesson that we want to provide these resources so that in the future they can be kinder, gentler people,