new york times had a reporter, herbert matthew, he helped build the legend of fidel castro, he was losinga couple dozen guerrillas in mountains, hiding out, what happened. while that government the government declared castro was dead, the "new york times" reporter wrote a glowing piece that castro was still alive, and fighting and build an army, and he was in love with the notion of that romantic revolution, and he was rising up to take out the military regime. a glowing article. and matthews wrote in the article, the personality the man castro is over powering, easy to see his men adore him and caught the imagining a of out youth of cuba. so the interview helped castro as reutters pointed out, by exaggerating the size of his rebel force, and castro would later brag how he duped the "new york times," -- stalin, hitler, castro, the "new york times" was on the wrong side of all 3, covering up the paper record, all news fit to front. "new york times." this is important to understand. because the "new york times" has not changed ownership, the same family, handed down from one to the next, th