and this, of course, is herbert sondheim, noted manufacturer and a member of the foga board of directors. once registered, the designer or manufacturer would receive one of these labels. either a registered original design or registered with foga. the labels cost $.50 each, and if you can believe this, the foga said monthly they sold between 500,000 to over one million labels. think about that. that's a huge number. in a later court hearing, a judge will say these labels will come to have definite significance as indicating that the dresses were made by by original designs by skilled workers. these were the divisions covering ladies, junior miss sportswear, and also textile designers. the foga will advertise to such a degree that you could hardly turn a page of women's wear daily without seeing a promotional message or some kind of advertisement the guild promoted. in fact in march 1933, they had a 20 page issue of women's wear daily. the guild was everywhere. they started high. they started about $22.50. what they do then -- it's kind of interesting. what they do then, they start expand