. >> herbert weaning. i really protest the increased in the muni fair to $2.25 they should be paying us for riding muni. i could support it on one condition the mta director make up the difference out of their pockets between the $2 and $2.25 credence. overlook question i have is what about the edition of the fleet is there another total edition to the fleet. there is a zero-sum solution your addressing buses to the main run and delegating them from the neighborhoods it's more of the same and more expensive to us and it's going to be to the detriment of the public. i don't like paying higher fees to it and no, thank you to this please. >> colleagues, any questions or comments? . last speaker berry toronto >> hi, good afternoon. i don't want to be the last one to get the last word. anyway, i'm here bus i want to address several issues first, i think it's important to eliminate the meters on sunday and the staff should do better enforcement in the latter afternoons. i see thousands of parking violations that