. >> my name is herbert weiner. i am a retired city employee. if you are not on the bus, you are under the wheel and every writer -- rider left behind. i want to voice my opinion about pensions. i am concerned about eliminating what affects profit sharing. this will seriously impact city retirees. it will also impact the business community because there will be less money to spend. there is also the elephant in the room. business has not paid its fair share. they are hiding in the shadows. now they are becoming visible and complaining that if they are taxed, they will leave the city. you definitely have to have business pay its fair share. they have an obligation as corporate citizens. i do not mean residential property owners and renters. i mean businesses downtown. let them step up to the plate. it is about time. >> thank you. is there anyone that would like to respond? >> maybe greg can tzake on the cola issue and i will take on business. let me make sure that you understand. companies will leave the city if we punish them from growing. we ha