. >> megan colford, cynthia gomez and herbert weiner. >> i'm megan colford, here on behalf of lime, as community affairs manager for the bay area. we were disappointed in the decision issued last week to give permits for scooter operators that have not engaged in the community, who have very limited experience. furthermore, we believe that lime was unfairly overlooked in the process for the community engagement projects that i've personally led. for one, lime has committed to hiring locally. we've held a variety of pop-up hiring events in areas like the bayview and we're working with organizations like young community developers and collective impact to bring hard-to-hire individuals on our team. we have the most robust low-income program in the industry with significant discounts with text to unlock capabilitie capabilities. one of the operators that you selected does not even have a low-income program. we are the only company that committed to serving the west side of san francisco, a region that's been routinely neglected and many of the transportation initiatives. lime operates in