wineer. >> herbert wineer. i feel protected by the police and physicians and basically i really oppose the idea of raising our retirement fund for projects for the mayor. i think this is sending a very dangerous precedent. if they do it once, they will do it again. we talk about the precariousness the retirement fund. we talk about all sorts of proposals for protecting it and yet we allow it to be invaded. this is a version of home invasion as far as i'm concerned. so, very glad the police are protecting us on this and i want to way in support of that. also, i really think that the pre-1996 retireee need to get their just increase. they sacrificed a lot for the city and preceded me in employment, they were my supervisors and coworkers and we owe it to them. it is a tremendous amount of disrecept not to do this. more and more i think about i think the people who were next to me in employment and who retired before 1996. by all means give them their just due. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker is dean coat fro