. >> christopher peterson, followed by herbert wyatt, it's only two who turned in a card. >> mr. peterson has been preempted to the podium, and he is showing the same grace. mrmr. wyatt, the floor is yours. if you're confused -- herbert, go ahead. two minutes are yours. >> well, wait a minute. do you want to go ahead of me? >> no. >> okay. all right. i'll proceed. four decades ago, the muni map covered most of the city. it was a very comprehensive map. it had all bus stops and everything. the problem was the buses didn't show up on time. they were missing. they were broken down. the same problem we have today. and i don't think the muni forward really addresses that. what is happening is you're having less bus stops. you're having altered bus runs. you're having really less service for the public. and despite all of the billions of dollars that has been spent on this project, you're going to come up with the same results. in the least, i would like to see some of these bus stops restored. especially the one for spruce and geary street. there was no reason to discontinue that for