it was then herculaneum some 2000 years later that archaeologists and 1800 up higher e are scrolls that were carbon a. just by the volcanic volcanoes eruption because of that it's meant impossible to on the role of the scrolls and read them without destroying them well now an international team of researchers have discovered a way to digitally on ravel the scrolls using a technique that accelerates electrons to near 0 light speed creating light from infrared through the visible range and ultraviolet all the way up to x. rays so this light which by the way is 100000000000 with a b u times brighter than the sun can penetrate the scrolls and scan them on both sunlight harris says science for preserving and uncovering secrets of our past since the beginning of time. what was a 100 billing and retired only in times brighter than the sun now that's a low to me incredible that we can make something like that on this planet but being able to read the scrolls is fascinating but what sequence will they give us that we don't know i mean this is pompei and like is that herculaneum the whole area ar