covered hereford. all right. hickory nut was not more handsome than the other hundred, so head of cattle on display in chicago's exposition building competing in the city's annual fat stock show. his red and white coat may have not shown brighter his may not have been more regal. no. what drew the judge's admiration was his a prodigious 1,029 pounds. and more important, the rapidity with which he had gained it 1.7 pounds per day over his short lifetime. this latter statistic allowed nut to carry the contest over. captain. his 1,704 pounds shorthorn rival, whose demonstrated gain was only 1.61 pounds per day. declaring hickory nut the overall grand champion, the judges awarded. his owner, w.s. van natta of fowler indiana, nearly $1,000 in prizes, a colossus made of meat shaped like a modern refrigerator on its side appendage, a bulging brisket, sharp, tapered legs, a thin tasseled tail, a compact triangular head, crowned upturned horns. the herford steer one of several quote unquote, improve cattle breeds popular