hereis tell us one for you ok otto i mean but we have two other gases saying that the risks have beenchecked very carefully i went to the website i looked at all of the objections and they gave answers to what i mean why are you not satisfied with that they have not looked at. selectively answered only those questions which seemed safe to do but we fusing to discuss the dangers that have not been disproved it is not science ok can you give us one example did you give it could you give us one example yes. yes. what already has been said by gordon a few minutes ago when we did the same thing was was happening all the time and therefore that this must be say this is in the in one sense it just clicked in another sense it is a lie so we to say used that word because there's a difference between two trains hitting both in the same direct both with the same speed so we don't know how it i'm looking on this screen this is not the same thing as if you do the same thing in such a way that the two things that the whole thing is moving at a high speed this is called. momentum conservation and if