again, peel has produced -- franklin,, in 1787, , herend joseph thome are still had to prepare plates and turning in sales were .isappointing one of my or the niche for an .ngraver, john norman he arrived in london around 1774. he also taught engravings, printed copper plates and sold almanacs and frames. in august, 1779, he advertised for sales and elegant head of george washington. norman himself was not a particular skilled artist, but he was a ardent copyists and became an enthusiastic purveyor of washington's likeness. he advertised one of his first attempts in 1779. the ubiquitous printer was often the only schoolbook available for colonial children. the first toobably substitute the new american hero. copy,graving was a close eyesting -- almond shaped looking straightforward, the curl of hair at each side of the head. and even the highlight on the long nose. just a few months later, norman repeated it, this time using it as a heading for a single sheet, broadside almanac. advertise and the pennsylvania packet on september 16, 1779, the philadelphia almanac for 1780 featured the