if he had been named herman carruthers, safe to say there would be no empire.egion to a mighty kingdom all without wearing a shirt. you have to be a good leader to do that. if prince charles tried ruling without a shirt the monarchy would be over by the day. king shacka was eventually killed by his two brothers, those closest to him. that's why i avoid family reunions. my brothers might try to take me out so they can get control of my traveling spoon collection. back off leroy these spoons are mine, (~bleep~)! moving observe, queen abina of zalza, started with a small power and conquered surrounding areas, like dunkin' donuts, took the whole place over. week amina did have a complicated love life, taking lovers in every city she conquered, and then killing them. yet for some reason, men still went to sleep with her even though they knew it would be fatal. we are truly the dumbest gender. never trust a big butt and a smile. next we move on to 1940s ethiopia and its ruler emperor hali salasi, or his imperial hali salasi i, conquering lion of tribe of judah, king