and so this individual said you should talk with herman kahn. he picked up the phone in my presence, called herman, and i was hired on the spot. this conversation. but as often is the case with herman there was more to it than saw. at that time, herman had a request of the ford foundation for sizable amount of money. and eye gouge go to the ford foundation and maybe that helped. and one of the things that herman always was, was a master salesman and fundraiser. i heard once, i don't know if this is pocketful or not come but in those los angeles years before he went to rand he spent time as a salesman at a shoe store. i would not be surprised if that was the case. one of the truth are, he was very good at raising money. from the u.s. government. defense department, particular air force, particular others. there was sort of an army and 80 air force contract, you know, sort of on the ball. but it was a tendency to use some of the same materials in various contracts. people have pointed that out. and one day, this is a story i did not witness. it too