unexpectedly for tsiolkovsky, a telegram was brought to the house on zhores avenue from hermann oberth tsiolkovsky allow me to congratulate you on your birthday, knowing beforehand your excellent work. i would probably be much further in my own work today and do without many vain labors, i regret that i heard about you, not earlier than 1925. the german was cunning with the works of tsiolkovsky, he met not in the twenty-fifth year, but in the twenty-first, when he studied in heidelberg . theory of space flight, dear professor , i kindly ask you to send your article on air resistance and rocket trains. this work is extremely i need cordial greetings from the oberth of your shershevsky. it was one of shershevsky's last letters soon after. he will be recalled to his homeland and shot on suspicion of spying for germany, and hermann oberth will have a new assistant, a student at the university of berlin, wernher von braun braun, one of robert's students who went to cooperate. with hitler's fascist party, the possibility of creating the ultimate weapon received huge funding. it was already a