the song of herodim is heard. can everything change, anyway? spring is not known, the rain is clear, only this life will not be for hours, life will be eternal, as in life, the bright folk saying, a monthly strain on the grass, and no matter the great sand, kamu aichy. hello, so where is this all going? today we have the right lineup to talk about this; we’ll start by talking with sergei kurginyan, who is in contact with the studio. sergei ivanovich, hello, hello, well, let’s face it, these are the times when choosing from dramatic events, you understand how... a lot and even somewhere you are lost where to start, so what process on the geopolitical map today do you consider decisive in terms of influence on the rest of the world? well, i just think that the geopolitical map in itself does not dictate anything, cultural processes dictate, social processes dictate, certain megatrends in the development of technology dictate. science and man, some anthropological main trends, depending on them, geopolitics is built one way or another, but if we t