able to look after it cherish it maintain it and then with everything that they did as he's often herodotus was transformed into her. face and must be said for. the paradise transformed into hell. this hell that the ministry of defense allowed us to visit is the secret santa called murillo or in poland. which was the stage for one hundred thirty seven underground test between one hundred seventy five and nine hundred ninety five. taking into account the size of the nuclear blasts but question whether they could have taken place without having any effect on the stability of the atoll. one hundred thirty seven wells between six hundred twelve hundred meters deep were dug in the lagoon and on the crown of the out all. these images taken in the one nine hundred sixty s. before the tests show a very regular crown. since the end of the nuclear tests we know that and more there are some zones that have been weakened due to the underground testing in particular. test on the twenty fifth of july one thousand nine hundred seventy nine caused some of the exterior slopes to collapse in the southwest zo