news and world report ranked herren in the top 30 best high schls in the united states. this is possible due to a rigorous evaluation too used to measure our impact on students. with announced and unannounced visits, we are continually asellsed on our effectiveness. this maintains a constant loop of evaluation, critical feedback and actionable next steps. in the evaluation press, nontested subjects, such as french, undergo the same amount of scrutiny as tested subjects with curriculum and assessments, analyzed for their ability to ap exams. thus with end of year performance kmpgss, teachers who continually meet our high instructional bar are rewarded with leadership opportunities and salary increases. those who do not are either placed on a targeted and demanding teacher assistance plan, or removed fm the classroom. retaining, and recruiting top talent translates to educating and preparing all students for colage which is our singular and overriding objective. but, if the system at large inhibits the cultivation and retention of great teachers, more rigorous evaluative t