her commitment to the department , herren enthusiasm learning everything a department does. all of the challenges that it faces and her willingness to get in there and try to solve or to advance ordeal with those challenges all the while maintaining her wonderful sense of humor. and because i think this is a job that takes well more than a year to master. i've been really impressed by the degree to which she has mastered the jobs and the inns and outs of the department and the commission and the confidence she shows now in running meetings with lots of people in the room, compared to when she did it in the beginning i think that she's earned another year in this position. i think she deserves another year in in this commission. i think we will all benefit from having her as our president again. >> i am so humbled. >> we need a second. >> commissioner. >> do you accept the nomination? >> i do, yes. thank you. [laughter] gladly. >> i was surprised. thank you. >> any further discussion? >> it would be wonderful to have you serve another year. >> thank you. >> commissioners at t