august 15, india celebrates its independence, and she said on august 14, today, is the day she lost herrin dependence. we -- her independence. we all know ree, too, and if someone in that marriage lost their independence, it was not ree, too. >> something i told ree, too, this was her 30th anniversary, and she said she should be at home with her husband tonight. she said i am worried what other people will think if i'm not here tonight. i w i want to say to everyone, if it's your 30th anniversary, you don't have to come to a board meeting. so ree will be leaving. congratulations, happy anniversary, and that ends my announcements for this evening. >> thank you very much, dr. matthews. ree, too, my five year anniversary's on thursday, and i won't be here, so you should go. item three is our student del gats support, and our students are not here this evening. they'll be back at our next board meeting. item four, recommendations and recognitions of commendation. we do not have any this evening. recognizing all available employee, rave awards, we're recognizing everyone that's coming back into