those roles are tremendous for important and often understated herriot. >> on the go? "after words" is available via podcast through itunes and xml. visit and podcast on the upper left side of the page. >> host: .or jain have done much research in this field of the culture and the society around cancer care in america. the industries, the patientspatience, the consumers, the profiteers. are their market place predators when it comes to cancer and how much of an industry is cancer care? >> guest: i mean i think part of what i'm trying to point out in the look is that there there's a lot of ill happening in cancer culture and it's not necessarily intended. so i think for example with pharmaceuticals, their aim is not to cure cancer. their aim is to make money so we can't blame them for trying to make money even at the expense of perhaps not having the best cancer research. similarly something like vitamin sup laments for example, the fda doesn't have control over these things and often people with cancer, people with terminal diseases will do anything they can