>> a number of great books including the making of americans, and hersh wrote the best-selling book called cultural literacy. he cares very much about what role education has been actually defining what it means to be mayor can and this book is sort of a capstone of his career which includes many best sellers but to talk route the centrality of the reformation and knowledge and what it means to have a shared corpus of knowledge and how important it is too our national identity and how would is being threatened by the way education seems to be split across the country. of hasselhoff of voice, advocacy, to look at what the new minister shin can do about the admit the administration. >> elephants on the edge what animals teach us about humanity? >> it is a marvelous book and very moving, touching, what she does, she has quite a platform she has been on "60 minutes" and 20/20 but she tries to understand how human behavior affects global population of animals in the wild and captivity. is a touching subjects. people who have read these kind of issues will respond because actions do have consequ