writes that when trump wants to celebrate, he calls for his "poison," which is a basket of starbursts, hersheyaffy taffy, and tootsie rolls. [ laughter ] his head really is a halloween pumpkin, just stuffing it. the book claims trump really wanted a female vice president, but instead settled for a man who wears eyeliner. [ laughter ] wolff also says trump was losing it towards the end of the campaign. and at one point, he forgot j.d. vance's name. i bet he still doesn't know it. i would bet almost anything trump has no idea what the letters "j" and "d" stand for. [ laughter ] johnny depp? i don't know. [ laughter ] of course, team trump is pushing back on the book. his communications director steven cheung -- that's not the right photo. yes, that's the one. [ laughter ] steven cheung, his white house communications director, really looks like a baby with a hemorrhoid wrote, "michael wolff is a lying sack of "s" and has proven to be a fraud. he routinely fabricates stories originating from his sick and warped imagination, only possible because he has a severe and debilitating case of trump dera